I'm a Careers Advisor
I'm a Careers Advisor

Looking for an extra resource to help you and your students discover career options?

We all know that the hardest question to ask a student is what do they want to do when they leave school?

They are bombarded with information coming from parents, schools, social media, friends, relatives which can make understanding their options very confusing.

Squad may have a solution to assist:

  • Discover My Career & Work Preferences Questionnaire – not a test nor a profiler, this easy 20-30 minute questionnaire focuses on a student’s likes and dislikes and matches potential careers to investigate further.

  • Face to face interaction with careers advisors, students and parents

  • Group and one on one student coaching including Resume set ups, mock interviews and job ready preparation

  • Industry engagement with all stakeholders leading to employment

  • Ongoing mentoring and coaching